Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm Losing Touch With (Virtual) Reality

(Note: This post is more of an announcement. Further below is today's actual entry.)

For the next week I will be out of contact with all of you. I am going to travel around with my parents, and an aunt and uncle. We'll be going to Venice, Salzburg, Berchtesgaden, Munich, and maybe some other places that I don't know about yet. I won't have internet access. I will be keeping my journal and will probably write up some sort of day-by-day review when I get back. (If I see an internet cafe, I might give a mid-week update.)

In the meantime, I would love it if you would catch up on blogs you haven't gotten a chance to read and make comments. Start conversations with your friends about them, even if those conversations are only to say how big of a moron I am. I'm fine with that.

This also gives some of you the opportunity to catch up on some facebook messages that need answering. (You know who you are.) I really do love getting facebook messages, so if you want to make my day, fill my inbox 'til it runneth over.

So yes, keep us in your prayers as we travel. And keep me in your prayers specifically - I will be needing strength and patience this week.

I'll be back soon.

(Keep reading, there's actual content down below.)

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